I guess we're a little behind because we just finished discussing The Alchemist, but if anyone is interested we could read "My Sisters Keeper" for August. This book is about 300 pages, but it is a pretty easy and quick read. For me it was very compelling, I think everyone could have it read by Labor Day or so and then we could discuss.
This book gave me SO much to think about and the more I thought about it the more I realized I didn't have any answers. This book tells a fascinating story of a family that has a terminally ill daughter. The parents have one child to save another who then sues for medical emancipation. It will be a great discussion on what you would do if it were your child.
Warning: the book alludes to one brief sex scene that you could skip entirely and not miss any info on the book and does have language sprinkled throughout the book (including the F word).
If you readers are not interested in the book or if you've already read it, feel free to make a suggestion of another book and we can read that instead. Or if you think that Labor Day isn't enough time to read the book, then we can push it back. Everyone just comment and let us all know what you think.