Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spiderman vs. Octomom--Who Will Win??

my spidey-senses are telling me something just might be a little off about this crazy beeotch.
She's a single, unemployed woman with 14 kids under age 7, who lived on welfare, disability and student loans so that she could spend her money on something important--like getting plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie.
Then, after having a giant stack of mutant babies from an unknown sperm donor, (whose last name she occasionally uses), she starts shopping a Today Show interview, a book and reality TV show (she denies this but she hired a Publicist. Not a nurse. or a Nanny. A PUBLICIST!) The State of California is paying for her hospital bills. I feel bad for those kids.
Clearly I'm not a fan of this chick--What is your take on the Octumom?