Thursday, August 16, 2007

Fred ?? LaRiviere

Fred was born at 6:30 pm on August 15th. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. He is doing well, but the doctors were concerned about his grunting and lack of crying, so he is in a special nursery for 48 hours. He is healthy, but they wanted to keep a close eye on him to make sure he stays that way. He should be ready to come home on Saturday. Katie did a great job making it through another fun filled delivery, and she is recovering well. The girls are thrilled to have a new baby brother, but we will have to quickly set some ground rules to make sure he doesn't get dressed up in princess cloths.


Loose said...
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jordan said...

Hooray Hooray!!!!!!!!!

Loose said...

WOW Kate, three kids looks like a handful. Nice job on the 8 lds. no wonder your stomach looked like a basketball. :) How big were your girls?

angerine said...

Congratulations Kate!! that is a really good lookin baby. and I love Stella in that 4th picture with the fish lips. you have the cutest family!

sra. pistola said...

Oodaloly! three is fun:) How did everything go?

k8theriver said...

i'm sure 3 will be a handful. i just wanted to get it over with. i sure hope i'm done--meaning, i hope i don't receive some undeniable revelation to have another one.
lacey, chloe was 8lbs 6oz. stella was 7 11.
i went into the hospital 2 days after my due date. they broke my water (that was rough) but i didn't progress enough so they gave me the option of nipple stimulation or pitocin. nipple stimulation means rub your nipples in between you fingers for a minute then two minutes off. repeat until contractions are strong. i chose pitocin. i got an epidural when i was dilated to a 6. i wasn't in much pain but i didn't want to wait. when it came time to push i could feel it. it hurt (how do people go natural?). wasn't prepared for the pain, i was expecting to feel nothing like with chloe. i only pushed for a half hour and the doc had to use forceps to get him out.
i'm grateful that my uterus didn't rupture and that i didn't die and my baby didn't die and i'm thankful that i didn't have to get a c-section. and that my baby is healthy.
the end.

k8theriver said...

i meant stella. i felt way too much with chloe.

Wellz said...

He's the cutest Fred I've ever seen. Your family is so beautiful.

We are in Switzerland now but I don't have much time. I'll fill you guys in later.