Tuesday, February 05, 2008

go fug yourself

not a nice name, i know. i guess this is what is called a "guilty pleasure." it is a blog devoted to making fun of what celebrities are wearing. why do i care about what celebrities are wearing? i don't. that much. especially since most of the pictures are from the red carpet. i will never need a red carpet outfit. but what i really like about this site is the writing. it is very witty and clever. sometimes the posts are a little lengthy and i don't read them but sometimes they really make me laugh. like the "well played amanda bynes" post. (sometimes they are nice)

Oh, Amanda Bynes. You're so nice and person-colored now.

And that gown is totally gorgeous -- love that peacock color, love the bodice, love the flirty layers at the bottom, love the way it fits her. The hair might be a little twee, but you know what? I don't care today. That's right. Dare I say it, I'm in a GOOD MOOD, and looking at this dress only enhances it -- like frosting on an already really yummy piece of carrot cake. I am pretty sure that those boys in the background are trying really hard not to stare at her, but inside, are totally stoked that Hot Amanda Bynes is standing mere feet from them and are planning to tell all their friends tomorrow that they held her hand and that she promised they'd get married in 15 years. Or, you know, whatever it is that boys do. Having no brothers, I can't say for sure. Doodling your names jointly inside a big heart all over a spiral notebook and then frantically doing MASH, trying to cheat so that you end up married, living in a mansion, driving a Ferrari, working as a movie star, having three kids, and owning stacks of emeralds, seems like it's more of a girly response.

anyway, check it out for a laugh.


Loose said...

Oh the game of MASH sure takes me back. How about predicting your future with face cards? Loved that one too.

angerine said...

Lots of good stuff there and lots of links to even more good stuff! Pity I'm actually expected to get some work done or I'd waste (more) hours online.