Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I found this website that has tons of cute quirky things that would be fun to give as little gifts or just to have for yourself.
So--updates: Heather, have you decided where you're going to vacation? Loose, have you told your parents/family about being prego? Have you found a buyer for your house yet?
Heather, I was going through pictures the other day and found some of our New Years Eve in Las Vegas (with my wierd Italian friend...) Remember how at midnight everyone started chanting U-S-A!! U-S-A!! that was the best.


Loose said...

Yup! I told my folks about the pregnancy. My little bro got it on film. Classic, the mother whooped and danced around. We still have the house, but we decided to put the SLC home up for sale as well since we cant afford both and if this one sells first which I think it will for $225,000 then we will move back to St. G to finish the bsmt of that house and sell it to a new market group. Hopefully, Im keeping the fingers crossed. how was the cruise?

heat said...

We leave tomorrow for a cruise that circles the hawaiian islands.

heat said...

Oh, I forgot to say I still do that vein tap thing. Remember Rosario doing that? He was sweet.