Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mrs. Chia

I'm not an official member of this club yet. Matt invited me to take his place to keep him up to date:) But I would like to see that at least the majority of you want me in your club. Because it will make me feel better about myself to see everyone wanting me here. If you want to you can add five things you like about me the most. If you dont' know me then you can list five things you like about Matt most. Cause that makes me feel good too. If invited to this club I promise to be cool, hip, funny, and informative. (and pretty too) - that's for Jordan. I also pledge to help all those who are in need of my assistance. I'm not desperate but if need be I will do the truffle shuffle to be let in. This is an exceptionaly entertaining dance since I am 31 weeks pregnant. It will be even better if you wait til right after I give birth. If nothing else I can keep you informed of Matt's wonderful and exciting life.


Loose said...

Danika of course we want you in the club; you are cool, funny, beautiful, great at giving birth and most of all a super nice and genuine person. Oh yeah, and you married a GREAT guy! What an awesome couple we should play more. Im a little affraid to come around your neighborhood though after Matts last blog.

Ang said...

Danika - I only met you once, or maybe twice, but I really liked you when I met you. You were very funny and tons more hip than me (and I'm new to this blog and it seems to be OK... so if I can get in, you're golden!) plus you were super nice and friendly and I think Matt is cool too. Welcome

Ang said...

Oh yeah - and I really like your name.

k8theriver said...

you get my vote. but i would like to see the shuffle. lia's birth is the funniest story i've ever heard--and not chia's version. i hope you will tell stories from time to time. remember the purple nighty? so funny. what idiot emt's. anyway, please join.

jordan said...

5 things I like about Danika.

1. She is so pretty
2. She made the scuba diving "ok" sign to me when I was in the back of the suburban.
3. she got up on a rock and sang "part of your world" at Gunlock.
4. She eats peanut butter off a knife.
5. She had the sweetest dance off ever in the Subway of San Francisco.

heat said...

I remember walking into the Stanley's house and Chia exclaiming "Heat, I finally found someone to match your BRUT strenth." I think this was the second time I met Danika. I mean, DAN DAN DANIKA.

Danika tells awesome stories and has pretty hair.
You've got my vote. Barely.