Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Feeling dumb...

You know how Jay Leno does his "JayWalking" bit where he goes out and asks people on the street the easiest questions ever and you laugh at how stupid those people are and you wish you could get interviewed because you would know all the answers?
Well, here's your chance to feel really smart--or if you're like me, maybe not so much. This quiz takes questions from the naturalization test that you have to take to become a U.S. Citizen. I realized I'm clueless about the difference between a senator, a congressman, a representative...I guessed on several of these but managed to get an 88%--how did you do?


Erica Onelove said...

Whoa..I'm not even going to admit my score.

We were just talking the other day about the tests future citizens have to take. We were saying how sad it is that we (u.s. citizens) don't even know these questions.

Anonymous said...

o.k. i'm coming out of the closet (about secretly reading a ladies' blog.)

i scored 96% but that's only due to the musical production my 5th graders put on last year about U.S. history. otherwise i'd have been lucky to score a 70%

LoGunns said...


heat said...

I heard they pay the people on Jay Leno to be dumb. I haven't taken the test yet.