Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New Year's Resolutionary War

{just wanted to post a cute picture of my kids}

I haven't posted for a while so I thought I would write up somethin' somethin'. I've been working on my goals for the new year. This year I chose to do 3 big goals. They are going to take a lot of work and planning. I also have less difficult, obvious goals really, that I will work on throughout the year. You know, the churchy stuff. Anyway, I'll share with you two of the three goals I've set for myself.

1- Run 1000 miles
2- Send every member of my family a birthday card.

The first goal I stole from Travis. He did this goal last year and wasted it. I think he ended up with 1400 miles. Insane. I like the fact that it's a number and not "I will run 6 x a week". Most likely a goal like that would only last the first couple of months.
The second goal is big for me because my family is so LARGE I usually don't do much for any birthday. Sometimes they get a text:) I'll be sending out 70 cards this year. Adding money to my nieces and nephews.
I'm curious about the goals you guys are doing this year. Care to share? Pork for you this year, Ang?


LoGunns said...

I really love the idea of 1000 miles in a year. Your right, it is better than saying runnin x amount of days a week.

My goal is no more gossiping.

k8theriver said...

1. i want to go to the temple more. i have this goal each year but this year i've enlisted the help of our babysitter. if i go once a month for 6 months then she gets a $50 bonus. this is supposed to motivate her to motivate me. we'll see if it works.
2. another one is to get settled into our house. finish decorating, unpacking, etc.
3. sew a quilt.
4. finish a scrapbook for our family. one for fred, and one for stella.

angerine said...

Ya, there is a green light for swine this year, although I rarely eat it. And you'd be amazed how rarely I eat ice cream. Not that I don't still love it with my whole heart and soul it's just that I'm so picky about it now--only the best for my discriminating tastes.
No gossiping is a good one, Danika. I had to ask someone what gossiping is because sometimes I'm not sure if I'm gossiping or just chatting about what's going on in my life/the lives of family & friends. My sis-in-law said she defines gossip as saying anything that you wouldn't say if that person were present.
I didn't make any resolutions yet so now I'm making a goal to make some goals...by Feb 1. I'll let you know what happens...

Erica Onelove said...

I really haven't even thought about it yet this year but I'm sure there are plenty.

1. I have become obese living here so I better get in shape.

2. I don't go to Relief Society cuz I loathe it so I better start going.

3. Finish a stupid blanket I started crocheting 5 or 6 years ago.

4. I like Heat's idea about the cards. I never do anything.

5. Move in to my own home......PLEASE SOON!

6. Be happier. I have been a beast & I can't help it because I'm so miserable.

7. Talk to my friends more.

angerine said...

ok, I came up with one: GET RID OF STUFF.
THis was inspired by moving across the country a few months ago and realizing how much STUFF i have. A huge, massive truck full of STUFF...and that's after I sold a crap load of furniture, clothes, books, etc. on Craigslist/ yard sale.

Clearly, I have a problem.

I had no less than FIVE boxes labeled "BATH". Full of shampoos, lotions, makeup, hair color, tooth bleach, pomades, soaps, mud masks, hair gels...you get the idea. It's a full-on Walgreens. Keep in mind I am ONE person. Tye is bald. And he showers at the gym. And he is not bothered with skin care.
I HEREBY RESOLVE TO use up, throw out or donate all that bathroom stuff. Next time we move (which might be as early as June) I will have only TWO boxes called "BATH".

A lot of my boxes are full of paper...photos, mementos, stuff I intend to scrapbook or scan or journal or whatever. So.
I HEREBY RESOLVE to organize, scan, journal or scrapbook 80% of my paper. I will reduce it to THREE boxes.

I'm also beginning to wonder if I've EVER thrown out a magazine...that's for another year though. Don't want to overdo it.

angerine said...

*PROGRESS UPDATE: Just dumped my Costco-sized stock of soaps and toothpastes into one of the boxes labeled "YEAR SUPPLY". Yesss! Now I won't stink or get cavities during the apocalypse.