Monday, January 26, 2009

What is your ultimate luxury?

Because we've been poor for so stinkin long, Tye and I spend a lot of time dreaming about the day when we'll be filthy, bloody rich. And we play games to "help us plan" how we'll be spending all that filthy money.
One game we play is "Choose your Luxury". It's kind of like "Who Would You Do", a lovely game that perhaps none of you very pure and holy girls have ever played but it was introduced to me by my mission companion, foxy Roxy on those long, lonely days of tracting. hee hee. i wish i was joking.

So here's the game: you just name two totally kick-ass luxuries and then the other person has to choose only ONE of the two. Then that ONE has to go up against the next luxury...until you find your unbeatable, ultra-mega-dreamy luxury. Of course the game assumes that all of your necessities are covered and that you can afford one of the two things. (Just like "Who Would You Do" assumes you have the option of doing either Batman or Sawyer from Lost).

For example: (actual conversation)

Tye says: Chauffer or personal trainer?
Ang: Personal trainer.
Tye: Personal trainer or private chef?
Ang: Hmmm, does the chef do the grocery shopping and kitchen clean-up too?
Tye: No, just the cooking.
Ang: Chef anyway.
Tye: Chef or personal assistant?
Ang: Personal Assistant.
Tye: Personal assistant or maid?
Ang: Personal assistant.
Tye: Personal assistant or Lexus?
Ang: Well, what would I be driving if I choose personal assistant?
Tye: Like, a Toyota.
Ang: Personal Assistant.

It just kind of goes on and on like that. Eventually we find ourselves talking like we're actually actually getting the thing--like deciding how many days a week the maid should come in and stuff. It's funny. Then we check back in with reality. But it's fun to think about.

So my ultimate luxury is personal assistant. What is yours?


k8theriver said...

oooh. a nanny. not so i can check out of being a mother--just so i can go grocery shopping with maybe one kid instead of three, ya know, so i can actually fit groceries in the cart. and so we can go on all the vacations we dream about (because we would have the money) and not be out-numbered. not extravagant vacations--but a mtn. bike ride or a climb would be nice.
ultimate, ultimate would be if she could cook too. and clean.

k8theriver said...

just to clarify--i want a nanny to come on vacations with us and help with the kids--not leave the kids at home.

LoGunns said...

I never thought of a personal assitant before. But that would be my ultimate luxury. A personal assistant could be like the nanny Katie is talking about (not leaving the kids at home and not checking out of being a mom, just an extra hand keeping the kids safe and in line) but also someone who you could say "you stay on the line with Abu from microsoft and fix this computer problem while I make lunch. Or curl the hair on the back side of my head. or as your grocery shopping and one of the kids acts up just have you PA go sit in the car with them while you finish shopping. Or you chop the carrots while I make the bread. Awesome!

Matt thinks my ultimate luxury is lame. He thinks all luxuries are lame. Don't ever play this game with Matt:) We got in a fight:)

LoGunns said...

ps. It happened. I started plannign it out like it could actually happen. a PA for three days a week from nine until three. ten dollars an hour.....

Erica Onelove said...

Either I don't follow the game or it's going wrong......

Ang said personal assistant: completely awesome.

Katie said nanny: also totally awesome.

Danika said same as Ang.

Mine right now is so stupid because I'm not getting my way & it sucks. I've never had so much thrown back in my face. Everything is going wrong :( We have the money but nothing is going as it should.

I want a freaking house! You all have that but it's a huge luxury when you have lived with in-laws for 8 months.

I will be checking myself in to a loonie bin quite soon I assure you.

heat said...

Private jet. Assumed a personal pilot and attendants would be present.

k8theriver said...

what about fuel? because that's not cheap.

heat said...

Remember...I'm "filthy, bloody rich". Plus, fuel is relatively cheap compared to other countries.

I played the game with Wellz last night. When I think of luxury I picture something that breaks up the routine, the every day stuff.
Wellz runs the errands I hate. And, he cooks gourmet. Our house is small so I wouldn't justify a maid. Nanny, not sure. SO, a private jet won. Ohhh, the possibilities.

heat said...

Erica, you saw what we lived in for 11 months. I totally understand. I hope your end is near.

angerine said...

ohhh, private jet is such a good one! Not sure I would give up my personal assistant or not (i REALLY despise running errands, shopping, paying bills, calling people), but now my fantasy is that Heather and I are neighbors and she can borrow my PA anytime and I get to use her jet/pilot/attendants anytime. I mean,if the jet is available this week, why the heck shouldn't I take it to Fiji?

When we play this game I'm always picturing myself in some undefined future, wildly rich, living some place fab in an amazing house with perfect children. Otherwise I'd probably pick 'house' too.

LoGunns said...

I never suggested private jet to Matt. That's one he might go for since he would love to travel. Of course he would want to be staying in little huts not nice hotels:)

I didn't mean to sound like i was ripping on Matt. It was a funny fight and I love that he hates luxury:)

heat said...

I would totally share my jet. Or even better, we could travel together.
Danika- you could just sleep in the jet wherever you land. Chia could go sleep in the hut by himself :)