Wednesday, November 11, 2009

People of Walmart

Here are the costumes we wore for the halloween party. There was another couple at the party dressed as white trash, but they were the upper-class trash. She had bleach-blond hair and a miniskirt with heels. Dan and I were the west side of the trailer park trash. I had the 3wm shirt and I was prego and smoking. I had tweety bird socks (not as good as taz) and my house arrest anklet. Is it sacrilegious to wear a g-string over your g's? My wig was ugly and I had no make-up. And tattoos. I looked so ugly. Dan suggested that I choose a sexy costume for next year. Which I will never do but I'll try to not be so ugly.


LoGunns said...

OH MY! That is GREAT!

heat said...

Your attention to detail is remarkable.

angerine said...

HOT. So hot.
Anyone going to be in St. G for Thanksgiving?

heat said...

I keep getting flash backs of your costume and laughing out loud. Thanks for the image.