Tuesday, January 05, 2010

About a Bump

I think everyone on here knows I'm pregnant...um except maybe Heather (Hey Heather, guess what! I'm knocked up!) Ok so now everyone knows.
Anyway, I've been thinking my bump is unnaturally big already. I have always had it in my mind that you "shouldn't" start showing until around the 5-month mark.
Quick digression {I'm 99% sure this idea came from something Claire Huxtable told Denise Huxtable in a "very special episode" of the Cosby Show in 1987 but that seems like a reliable-enough source of pre-natal information. I'm mean Cliff was a doctor, after all...}
Anyway, I've been all concerned about my belly size so tonight I went online and found a forum on whattoexpect.com where all the other chicks that are due the same time as me talk about every single hiccup, fart and tuna sandwich they've had since conception. I found the thread where everyone posted pictures of their 'bumps' and everyone is pretty damn big. So NOW I'm freaked out that I'm not big enough for how many weeks I am (which I think is 15???) Like the little guy stopped growing or something. ??
So my question for you gals is how far along were you when you started 'showing'? And by showing I mean, when could YOU first see the bump? and then how far along were you when other people could see it?
Also, when did you feel the first 'flutter' of movement?

I know there are books about this kind of stuff but I think I'll get more/better details by asking real people.


sarah said...

ang, congrats all over again. as far as bumps... (and you'll hate this response) it depends on how tall you are, how the placenta grows, how you carry your baby, how skinny you are, and how sick you are during pregnancy. my pants usually get tight around 15ish weeks, and by 22 weeks i'm doing the rubberband trick to keep pants buttoned. by the third trimester (26-27 weeks) i wear maternity clothes-- but then again i puke about 5 times a day until 25 weeks so, i'm not a good comparison. don't worry if the guy stopped growing-- believe me he will take from you whatever he needs to grow (it's the beginning of the end of this cycle). as far as flutter, i think the earliest i felt it was 17.5 weeks with sam, but that's early... it'll be a few weeks for still for you and a little freaky when you first feel it...

heat said...

Ang, congratulations!
There could have been two pregnancy announcements that night you came over...

I gain more quickly at first and less at the end. I notice the bump as soon as I know I am pregnant. Others admit they notice the bump when I "announce" my pregnancy. I think they probably notice sooner than 14wks.
I didn't feel the 'flutter' until I found out the sex of my first baby (18-20 wks). My second baby I felt the movement a lot sooner, I think 12 wks.

I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy. You'll make an awesome mom.

heat said...

Sarah, I'm impressed by your memory.

LoGunns said...

Congratulations! I didn't know you were pregnant. I remember fitting into regular pants until about five (maybe that is just wishful memory) months with my first one and the next three births I needed maternity pants right after the pregnancy test confirmed I was pregnant. So maybe those ladies posting pictures were on their second pregnancy.

angerine said...

Heat, when Travis' wife (Anika?) said she was expecting, Tye was elbowing me to say something to you. But I thought it was still way too...zygote to mention.
Thanks everyone, this is reassuring. Clearly I haven't paid attention to the many pregnant people that I've known in the past 15+ years. I have been thinking I should stay the same for 5 months and then at 5 months & 1 day...*POP*