Monday, February 05, 2007

my luck continues...

So I'll try to make this short but I simply must vent. What the crap I ask? Is the universe off balance, stars mal-aligned? Did I break a mirror, walk under a ladder, cross the path of a black cat? Seriously, I think I need an intervension. So last week someone stole my license plate and replaced it with a stolen one which Chad got pulled over for. Several hours at the DMV, waisted! I got rear ended by an 18 year old sobbing her eyes out. 1 hour on the side of the road and 3 days w/o a car during repairs. Saturday morning we awoke to discover that we had been robbed. The second time (if you don't count the license plate thing) in 4 months. This time they got the mother load about $10,000 dollars worth of Chads tools; drills, saws, nail guns, you name it they got it. You know when everyhting is Shitty and you think to yourself, at least I have my health...? Well my Doctors office called and my white blood cell count is to high and they need to see me back for more 'tests'. Wahoo! Bring it on world!


k8theriver said...

that all sucks but in perspective all that matters is your health. so let us know how the dr. visit goes. good luck. let me know if you need anything.

heat said...

freak, loose. your neighborhood sounds like Chia's.
Sorry about all of that. Hope things get better.

Anonymous said...

It sucks getting robbed. Have you tried filing a claim with insurance yet? We are still working on ours because you have to have receipts or some proof that you really had all that stuff. I hope you were better about keeping receipts than we are. Just about the only thing we have any kind of proof of purchase for are those famous Thai Jewels. Which was really the only thing that mattered:)
I hope your white blood cells work everything out good.

On a side note I think I got a majority vote so I am allowed to make comments here. Thanks for being so nice and giving me the attention I asked for :) When is everyone getting together next?

Loose said...

Chad had quit a few reciepts but they had better not expect us to have reciepts for everything. Whos that organized? We just sent in a bunch of info and are hoping for a check soon.