Friday, November 14, 2008

Advice I'm Thankful For...

So I've been thinking and thinking and can not come up with a single funny memory. I will keep thinking and post some when I think of them, but I thought I'd throw out another topic: Advice/Council you've received that you're thankful for.

Here are my top 3

1. "The great deals will always outlast the money." By nature I'm a saver, but I get sucked into spending sometimes just because things are on sale. I often think of this advice when I'm tempted to buy something that I don't really need just because it's a great deal.

2. This one comes from Dr. Laura/my sister-in-law Michelle. The gist of it is "You only need to do 3 things to make your husband completely adore you: 1-Feed him. 2-Have sex with him. 3-Thank/praise him." That's it. He'll be putty in your hands.

3. "Lengthen Your Stride" Once I thought my life was so crazy and stressful and full of challenges so I asked Tye for a blessing. The main message of that blessing was "Lengthen your Stride, try harder, serve more." I realized it wasn't really that I had so many challenges but that I'd become accustomed to my cake-walk life and I was just being a wimp. Sounds harsh but it was totally true.


k8theriver said...

this one is hard. i can think of advice that sucks--never go to bed angry. lame! that just doesn't work for us. we can disagree all night long or we can go to bed and talk about it later when we aren't so upset.

k8theriver said...

when i was on the airplane headed for uruguay i sat in between two non-member men. they were friendly and knew about missionaries. one of them passed on some advice he had received. i can't remember exactly how he worded it but basically, whatever you choose to do--do it, whatever you choose to be--be it. he told me that since i had decided to be a missionary then to be the best missionary i could. this was easier to apply to an 18 month role than the current titles i assume (mother, wife). but, basically we should focus on what/who we want to be and try not to look back or forward to different times. live in the moment and stay focused.

Erica Onelove said...

Funny Ang, Holly Glines/Wilkinson told me the same thing kinda. After she got married she told me that all you have to do is have lots of sex to make your man happy. I was like.....OK!

I didn't get a lot of great advice when I was younger, well at least I can't remember any.

Good advice that I will pass on though is about credit & how incredibly important it is. I never learned this & I'm still working on repairing it now.

LoGunns said...

1. It's not always what you say but how you say it.

2. I can do hard things.

I don't push myself very hard and I am a wimp. This little saying/advice helps me be better.

3. It doesn't matter.

I have to repeat this outloud to myself a lot. I get upset and stressed over things other people say or do. I have to remind myself it doesn't matter and move on. Of course this advice is only for the little stuff. I let the important stuff matter to me. Most of the time.

k8theriver said...

DUDE! you deliver your kids without drugs. without the hospital. you CAN do hard things.

heat said...

I like this idea. Great subject.

We actually got/took good advice when getting married:

1- move away. It'll force you to depend on each other and become best friends.

2- Travel while you are young.

The 3rd advice is similar to Katie's. "There is no such thing as "what if". This advice came from Bill w/MS (talked about in experiences).