Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Funny Memories

per Danika's request. Tell us what funny memories you are thankful for.

I don't know why i'm thankful for these memories other than the fact that i smile when remembering. my mission was filled with giggles. uncontrolable, disrespectful, irreverent giggles. things are funnier as a missionary but i'll tell this story anyway.
in one area we had to cross a highway multiple times a day. 2 lanes one way, a grass median, 2 lanes the other way. i was always trying to take the monotony out of mission life and one day i suggested to my companion, "how about we make a rule that every time we cross the road we have to run as fast as we can, as if we are running for our lives." the next day, as we stepped onto the road i yelled, "RUN!!!" and took off. my companion followed me with eyes wide with fear. when we got to the median she tripped on the curb and slid across the grass on her belly, spread eagle. she was short and plump (gained 40 lbs. on the mish.) so that makes a better visual. her bag went flying and the contents spilled. she popped up as fast as she had gone down, picked up her stuff and crossed the road without saying a word. she was an insecure person--which didn't make her humble but very selfconcious. this had hurt her pride and she was acting as if it didn't happen. as if she hadn't executed a perfect slide into home plate. i felt bad and i knew she didn't need me laughing at her but i could not help it. i held back as long as i could but once the smallest snicker left my mouth it was full-on doubled over laughter.
i was thinking about this last night in bed and trying not to laugh so i wouldn't wake up dan. i was afraid my shaking would wake him.

second one was playing strip uno at andy's with angie, sarah, ben, todd and andy. (was there anyone else?). the three people who lost had to streak down the street. somehow the girls won in a landslide. so the three boys, with one accessory each, had to run to the end of andy's street and back while we followed behind in the car. when they got to the corner we said they could get in and we would drive them back. fools! we just drove them around for awhile. and when we got back we dropped them off at the corner and made them run back. here is the part that makes me laugh to think about: todd was running, nude except for his belt (one accessory), slips on some ice and goes down hard. he had rasberries on his upper thigh and butt. i have pictures somewhere.

if i think of a good third one, i'l add it.

this is long so i think everyone should create their own post.


LoGunns said...

Oh man I needed a good laugh today. SO far I've just felt sick and depressed. Thanks for making me laugh.

heat said...

You told that story in a letter you wrote to me about your companion. I loved your letters. I totally love the story.
Seems like I remember seeing the pictures of the naked boys. Tan lines in the head lights?

LoGunns said...

1. Highschool. At the park. playing on the bars. watching guys play basketball. One friend (we'll call her Kim hangs upside down and the other friend (Cheryl)grabs her hands to help her flip over. Cheryl looks away to watch the boys play basketball. Kims shirt falls up. Kim laughs. Kim can't tell Cheryl to let go of her hands so she can put her shirt down. Kim has on a very bright grandma floral bra on. I am laughing too hard to tell Cheryl to let go. Finaly Cheryl looks down and let's go of Kims hands. Cheryl falls down laughing. Kim is still upside down laughing and pees her pants. We see the puddle form in the sand beneath her head.

LoGunns said...

2. Steak conference Venezuela 1995. I am the mission presidents daughter. A "sick" missionary was staying with us and therefore attended stake conference with us. My twin brothers (Dean and Dane)sit on either side of me. I put my hands under their legs to keep them warm and start talking to Dane. Dean keeps moving a little further away and I keep pushing my hand under him. When I turn to tell Dean to quit moving and let me warm my hand it is the "sick" elder sitting next to me instead. He was a red head and his face was bright red too. Right then a hymn starts and I laugh out loud through the whole hymn and try to explain to the elder what happened. But he wouldn't look at me.

LoGunns said...

3. This won't be funny to you but everytime I think of it I laugh. My older brother Dallas was being a grump when we were little and I threw a crumb at him and it bounced off the brim of his hat really high. I (and my twin brothers) started to laugh but Dallas didn't know what happened so he sat there with a gumpy face. I know you had to be there.

sarah said...

ohh katie... i am so glad you documented this story. i told it to mike just the other day, along with happy bloddy-ping-pong memories and other such fun stories. remember that the guys were totally mad? and that i believe angie and todd had lost the game before and had to jump on the andy's trampoline naked (we let them do it back to back?) oh, i'm just laughing as i write. i think it's funny too that the only time the whole night i felt a ting of guilt was when the guys commented i was being lame because i was engaged. i left out this detail to mike (who was out of town) when i recounted the story. happy times.

sarah said...

oh, and since i did the last post wrong...and did things/people and not experiences (how did i miss that?) i will say top 3 experiences even though i will probably think of something better in a while...
1. getting pregnant (not the actual act, just the day i found out)
2. living in jerusalem
3. marathon, because i was skinny and so happy during that time

top experience i wish i never would have had:
1. in vitro/infertility (sucks)

sarah said...

oh, one funny memory... crawling out of angie's bedroom window to run away when her mom, who i think was young women's president, was trying to find her to go to activity night.

heat said...

In high school Erica and I both told our parents we were sleeping at each others house so we could stay out all night. After Denny's everyone had to go home but us, so we spent the night driving around town and sleeping in her convertible. Erica will have to recall some of this story but for some reason we were in Santa Clara and Erica didn't have pants on. I think she might have been in her pj's to fool her mom? ANyway, we woke up really early and the car wouldn't start, we ran out of gas. We couldn't call our families for help because they would find out we lied. We had to run on that main road that goes from Santa Clara into SG. Cars were honking and guys yelling because Erica was pretty much just running in her underwear. Oh, and we were barefoot, too.

heat said...

I just thought of another one.
Steve, Jared, Chia, Ben and I were hiking the overlook trail in Snow Canyon. On the way back down everyone started running as fast as they could and jumping over bushes (madman like). I joined in and while I was jumping Steve shoved me out of the way and said "NO GIRLS". I was slammed into a sage brush and a rock. It really hurt. Steve kept running but claimed later he was kidding. All the other guys got mad at Steve and let me lead the rest of the trail.

Erica Onelove said...

Heather, what has happened to my mind???? I didn't even remember that.

Remember this one Heat?
Brianhead going up the ski lift & we decided to sing as good as we could, being totally serious. We picked "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid.

We both sucked so bad & we started cracking up.

Also, skiing down the hill totally out of control & going really really fast & getting kicked off by the ski patrol guy. It's funny now but it wasn't so funny then.

Erica Onelove said...

Ahh Heather, I have so many fond memories of us together.

Remember us driving in your Jetta all the way from the stadium to the school with your parking break on? You couldn't figure out what that smell was!

Here's another. I can't remember who was with me other than my mom & Jennie but I was learning to drive my Cabriolet (stick shift) & my mom was in the passenger seat. Ya know when you don't press the clutch & you start bouncing hard? Well, that's what happened & we were bouncing so hard that my mom's seat came off the tracks & flipped back. Her legs went flying up in the air & she was lauging so hard that she couldn't tell me how to drive & she almost peed her pants. I'm laughing so hard writing this right now. I love when my mom laughs like that.

Erica Onelove said...

Me, Heather, & Sarah trying to be cool like the guys so we took pics of ourselves in our underwear & bras outside by the river. Why did we do that? I still have all those by the way....hehe.

Playing the clarinet in band, I can't remember what song but right when it ended Shannon Lister farted & it amplified on the chair. It was so loud! Mr. Gubler was even cracking up.

Erica Onelove said...

I'm so sorry but I thought of another.....

Me driving my Cabriolet with Jared, Matt, Steve, Ben, & I think one more....maybe Eric or Nate??? I can't remember where we were going but we were heading away from Sunset area.

Anyways, it's a full car. Everyone is smashed in & I get pulled over on Bluff street. The cops tells me that it looks bad when a girl is with a car full of boys.

They make us get out of the car & they search it. They find a stick which Matt had in there for some reason. They think it's a weed pipe & we all start laughing. They hounded us forever but finally let us go.

Man, the cops in S.G. are so bad.

heat said...

Erica, I love the memories. We were so sweet!