Friday, July 06, 2007

another use for superglue

We just got back from the beach house in Southern California and it was so much fun. However while we were there Lia stuck a popcorn kernel in her ear. It was visible so we tried to get it out with chewing gum, we tried to vacuum it out, we tried tweezers, tape, a baby nose sucker thing. but what finaly worked was putting super glue on the end of a sucker stick and sticking it to the kernel and letting it dry and then we could pull it out. It took a couple of tries and so we had to dig some of the super glue off her ear but earwax made it come off pretty easy. I'm glad it worked and didn't make things worse because it would have been really emabarassing taking her to ER to get the kernel and superglue out of her ear. Once I used an ear candle and the hot wax melted into my eardrum and it killed. I had to go to the doctor to get the wax removed and they made me feel really dumb for having even tried an ear candle so I know super glue in the ear would have been even more embarassing. Try it if you dare.
ps. don't use ear candles.


Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

I have heard of the yummy ear candles before!

heat said...

That's sweet. Tons of people always bought ear candles when I worked at the nutrition store. I think it's a gimmick. How in the world did Lia get a kernel stuck in her ear?

k8theriver said...

dan loves those candles. he uses them when he gets earaches. they get out so much wax. its gross.

sra. pistola said...

They are a total hoax. Tell Dan to burn a candle without putting it in his ear and you will see the same "ear wax" in it.