Friday, November 30, 2007

side note

All of a sudden a couple days ago, all of the cable channels started coming in on our TV, I think because a neighbor got cable and the cable guy turned us on by mistake. Anyway I was so excited (yes, this qualifies as excitement in my life). It's only taken me about 3 days to become a total addict. I LOOOOVE Run's House and I'm fascinated by Project Runway and I'm totally looking forward to Tin Man on SciFi channel (weird, i know).

Side note to a side note: for my birthday my mom gave me her her very expensive and awesome sewing machine which I have no idea how to use. it arrived yesterday and now I'm watching project runway trying to figure out what else i need in order to become a world famous fashion designer. anyone know where i can buy some creativity and a sense of style?


heat said...

I asked for a snowboard for Christmas one year and my mom gave me a Serger. She was getting me ready to be a wife/mother and thought a snowboard was a waist of time. I was still in High School. Anyway, I took classes at the local sewing machine place and ended up loving the thing. I only made things like capes, pillow cases, and blankets.
As for style and creativity, you kick in that department.

k8theriver said...

don't try to make clothes. it won't save you money and it won't look better than store-bought.
t.v...we don't have cable because i have no self-control. but when we got a new entertainment center dan thought we needed a new t.v. he got an hdtv. it brings in more channels. one of my favorite shows right now (other than the office, of course) is samantha who? watch it monday after fhe.

Erica Onelove said...

I agree with Katy. It's actually more expensive to make clothes. I suck at sewing but would love to be better.

My mom gave me one 3 years ago & it's still in the box.

I love cable. It's such a waste of time but I love "La Ink",
"Everest: Beyond the limit",
"The Office", "What not the Wear", & "American Chopper"

heat said...

All I watch is Anthony Bourdain, 30 Rock, and Flight of the Concords because we bought them from itunes. We don't have a tv.

angerine said...

i wish HBO magically came in so I could watch flight of the conchords. I've been interested in watching Samantha Who but it's on the same time as Heroes and there is no way I'm winning that battle with tye.
heather, i think somewhere i still have the "magical ang" cape you made me with that bad boy.
one year for Christmas i asked for a backpacking stove and tent and my mom thought i should be preparing for a family too so she got me a tent that could seriously sleep 10 people and weighed about 15 pounds and a GIANT two burner stove like you would use at the ward camp-out.

angerine said...

erica, it's so awesome that you like the tattoo show, the motorcycle show, the extreme mountain climbing show...and the fashion makeover show.

angerine said...

sorry, three comments in a row, but what the heck is Anthony Bourdain?

k8theriver said...

i've been meaning to watch heroes because i miss veronica mars and i heard kristen bell is on it now. i guess we need tivo.
funny that a post titled "side note" gets the most comments.

heat said...

Here's the link. It's called Anthony Bourdain: no reservations. Sorry I don't know how to do the cool HTML thing. He's one of our favorite people to watch on tv. He's a chef and he travels, nuf said.

Erica Onelove said...

Hey Ang,
I know what you could make with your new machine. My sister Jen makes these amazing pillows, duvets, & bedskirts.

They look really expensive but she finds steals on nice fabric. She's made all her kid's bedding. So cute!

sarah said...

ang, i went to sewing camp as a kid. i can totally help you out. i make tons of stuff. and happy birthday. oh, and we don't have cable, just an antena-- but we get sweet channels like 87 where we can watch 'renegade', the original 'mission impossible' and 'charlies angels' fine holiday fun.