Friday, November 14, 2008

Just a few differences I've noticed living here

I'm gonna bust in and break up the Thanks for a minute because I just have to tell this. Three things happened today that I found so abnormal. Is it the country thing? Maybe a little bit of imbreeding? I don't know.

First, I'm at Ace Hardware buying some yeast. This girl ringing me up starts telling me about a girl that is getting it on with her boyfriend. Then she proceeds to tell me how she's gonna kick her ass after work. Yeah, she said, "I'm gonna kick that bitch's ass after work." I was thinking WHOA!!! I don't know you.....maybe this isn't appropriate work know, common sense. That was totally weird.

Second. I drive through McDonald's [Word up Heat!!] & when I go to pay a dollar falls to the ground. I didn't even have time to say anything about it. The guy just jumps out of the window & squeezes in between the wall & my truck which was really tight. He tells me he got it & that I could go. I was seriously so close to the wall I didn't want to drive off but he insisted. I freaking hit him with my truck! He totally just shook it off & jumped back into the window. That was also very odd to me.

Third. This is why I posted here & not my blog. I was buying a pregnancy test at the dollar store & not because I think I'm pregnant but I'm obsessed with taking pregnancy tests. I love it & they are only a buck so why not. Anyhow, the girl rings up all my stuff & the test last. She says really loud, "UH-OH!" I just look at her & look away but then she continues. "Are you even married?" I tell her yes. "Do you have other kids?" I tell her 3. She starts laughing & is acting like this is some awful thing & probably a mistake. There was 3 people behind me so I felt really stupid. "GOOD LUCK" she yells at me as I'm walking out of the store. Who does that?!


k8theriver said...

all very weird things. my errands are not that exciting.

LoGunns said...

So weird. Things like that are so unexpected and off that I never react I just take it with a smile.? Then later I am so mad at myself wishing I would have at least not smiled.

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

Yeah you are by some weirdo's it sounds like ... at least they are raising their kids to be so. I think I might have been rude to the dollar store girl ... seriously is it her business anyway? I am glad you weren't buying tampons & she commented on that.

heat said...

I always think of the best "one liners" after the fact. I wish I had some good ones on hand that fit in a lot of different situations, like, "whatever" but really cool.
Things like that would happen to us when we lived in Cedar.

angerine said...

So. um. I know it's 3 months later, but I think the weirdest thing about this story is that you obsessively love peeing on pregnancy sticks.
You're a looney!