Thursday, March 27, 2008

Do you think she remembers?

I'm being's funny but every time I get changed in front of Anavey & she sees my boobs she points to them & says, "uh, uh, uh, uh!" Every time without fail. Do you think she remembers breastfeeding?

If not, then what is she saying I wonder. Hope she's not making fun of me.


angerine said...

HaHa! yes, she remembers and she is scarred for life. Or maybe she just wants to be a hottie like you.
I remember when I was younger seeing my mom get dressed on Sunday mornings. She would spend a full 10 minutes tucking her jesus jammies into her nylons and I thought it was the most revolting thing ever. I hoped to never be that un-sexy. But then just the other day Tye came in when I was doing the same thing. I was like, GET OUT!!

angerine said... it wrong to say Jesus Jammies on a blog, if that blog is titled "Pure and Holy Virgins"? it's a question for the ages...

Erica Onelove said...

Haha Angie!
That's a great story! Nothing wrong with the Jesus Jammies either!

heat said...

Man, it's great to be back. Our neighbor must have forgotten to pay their internet bill, so irresponsible, but we finally have internet back.
Asa still remembers. And sadly, I have the same memories of my mom like angie.

LoGunns said...

I have been scarred by this memory as well. Maybe we could start a support group. My kids will never be scarred like that because I can not stand to wear panty hose. I would rather be white, dry, hairry, scaley, and freeeezing before I wear them.
I prefer to scar my children in otherways. Abe walked in on us doin it.

Erica Onelove said...

I feel left out cuz i still wear my the regular panties...



It might be a toss up.

angerine said...

Danika--DOH! maybe consider a trap made of aluminum cans, cowbells and string right outside the bedroom door.
Heather--glad those deadbeat neighbors finally got with the program and paid their (your) internet bill. Hopefully they won't become TOO conscientious and decide to protect the connection.

LoGunns said...

Our doors don't lock. And it was 5:30 AM. And our kids never never wake up that early. So we weren't listening for the pitter patter of sweet little feet. All of the sudden we heard giggling and turn around to see his sweet little bleery eyed morning face with a littel smile and he says "Porque estan asi?" (Why are you guys like that) We told him to go to his room and we would have a special talk with him that night. So he left.

heat said...
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