Does anyone want to test out their dream job? Here's a site that lets you take a Vocation Vacation.
Wellz chose the cheese maker. I haven't decided. What would you choose.
PS- Danika, isn't it your birthday? Sorry, I don't remember the exact date but I'm pretty sure it's today. If it is your birthday I hope all your wildest dreams come true. Or, at least your wildest dream job (maybe the truck driver or any of the wrestling jobs perhaps?)
Yup it was my birthday on the 10th. Thanks for thinking of me. but when you think of me why would you think wrestler or truck driver? Clearly you have me figured all wrong. I actualy would be more suited for the florist or model kind of jobs:)
ha ha ha. Being a model is clearly an obvious "dream job". I was simply pointing out the less obvious jobs. Just in case you glanced over them. Plus, Danika, I've heard your stories of Venezuela. Hello, knock-out (you) with model boyfriend.
Danika, I forgot to ask you today but would Matt be interested in going to Morrissey on May 8th? Nate and Steve are probably coming up and they have an extra ticket.
Matt would be interested in doing anything with Nate and Steve. Will you be coming up and staying with me? We can arm wrestle and see whos brute streangth wins the model dream job. I forgot to ask you a couple of things. So you should call me because I can never get you on the phone. Does anyone else have this problem with Heather or does she only reserve it for special people?
Heather NEVER answers her phone. GRRR!
that's affirmative. she doesn't answer her phone. perhaps we need to stage an intervention.
Girls, if I answered for one I would have to answer for all. It's a matter of fairness.
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