Friday, April 27, 2007


We are heading to France in a few months. Wellz has the opportunity to do a semester abroad through SUU's graduate program. The school is in Poitiers which is close to Paris. Poitiers itself seems so awesome and the more we find out about it the more excited we get. We are getting a two bedroom apartment because we expect a lot of visitors. Come if you'd like, please.

These places really do exist and are going to be within a few minutes of where we are going to live:

La Rochelle

St. Cirq Lapopie

Villa Eza
(We think this is pronounced just like Asa, even cooler)

Chateau Chenonceau

Also, we are looking for someone nice, honest, and trustworthy to occupy our house while we are in France. We'll be gone one semester starting in July/August. Know anyone?


Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

THANKS FOR THE INFO - I can't wait to see photos of your adventure!

Lacey Orton lives in Cedar with her hubby & baby - do you know her? She may be interested.

sra. pistola said...

We want to come to France. Can we promo Steve the ticket over?:) Well Matt is still intereste4d in going to morissey with the boys. Or has the offer expired?

heat said...
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angerine said...

Heather, that is so awesome. Poitiers looks amazing, you're going to have such an adventure! I'm a big believer in living outside the U.S. for a period of time--it's such an eye-opener and mind-expander. And to do it with your child is great--and brave! Tye and I are planning on going overseas when he graduates and we're getting so excited! even though it's still a long time off.
Anyhoo, my very good friend Pip and her hubby Shane (Parashonts) just moved back to Cedar from Washington DC and I think they're in his mom's basement right now. I bet they would love to house-sit for you for a few months. I think you might have met her at my wedding? (she's the British one) I'll mention it to her and see what she thinks. Are you thinking they would pay rent/how much?

heat said...

Where would you and Tye go and for how long?
We would charge about $400 to cover living expenses. If Pip is interested she could come look or I could call her. Thanks.

angerine said...

Tye has applied for some stuff in New Zealand but it's so far off it's hard to get a committment from anyone. We've also looked in Australia. We would stay for minimum one year and then just play it by ear, depending on how much we like it and if it's paying the bills (the dollar is pretty weak there).
haven't heard back from Pip yet, I'll let you know when I do if she's interested.

angerine said...

By the way, what is Wellz studying? I didn't even know he was in grad school.

heat said...

Angie- when is it again Tye gets done with school? I can't figure out how to look at the old posts. Did you ever find them?
I met a couple that traveled the world for one year and they said New Zealand was their favorite place of all places. Well, the southern island.
Wellz graduated in economics and is now getting his masters in business. International marketing will be the focus in France.
One more thing, what was the name of the place the Italians vacation? I really would like to find the old posts...

angerine said...

There are some old posts I want to look at too...but I can't find any previous to Jan 31st. AARGHH. I think it was when they switched to the 'new' blogger-?-there HAS to be a way to see them though, wouldn't you think??? but I can't figure out how to get to them. The Italians vacation in Lampedusa (that sounds like a secret code- like "the cock crows at midnight.")
Tye is doing a Masters concurrent with his PhD so assuming the Masters program doesn't keep him an extra trimester he should be done with school in August '08. If the Masters takes an extra tri, then we'll be done December of '08. Did that couple you met say that the North Island sucked? or they just really loved the South Island?
I'm still trying to get hold of Pip--she was due with her 2nd baby yesterday so she MIGHT be a little busy.

heat said...

Thanks, ang. The couple said the North Island didn't compare with the South Island, still cool though.