Sunday, January 27, 2008

The show

I just thought I'd share my thoughts on the show.

Heat didn't go:( I was sad.
Ash didn't go either:( I was sad.
Saw lots of hippies:( I was suprised.
Got hit on by a Euro dude:( I was annoyed.
Ethan got to see guitars live:) I was happy!
Saw lots of old friends:) I was happy!
Thought I gave Nate a compliment but he took it as a slam:( I was annoyed again.
Played foosball with Ethan:) Yeah! I won.
Ate a chocolate muffin & drank a gatorade:) I had to pee.
Their band is good:)

I had fun. I was just bummed that Heather & Ash weren't there.
I was totally going to take a picture & I forgot with Ethan asking me for food every 2 seconds. I had my camera & everything. Sorry!!!


heat said...

I was bummed when Wellz came home and told me everyone who showed up. I would have loved to have gone but Asa got the runs right as we were leaving. They play in a few weeks- I'll be there.

Erica Onelove said...

They play at the same place?

Ethan was bummed that Asa wasn't there. He would've loved to play foosball with him!!

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

sorry I just felt out of place ... I felt more comfortable dropping you off like a mom!!! I am a dork.

Erica Onelove said...

Ash, there were pregos there....I think.

And girls with babies too! I think they were smoking though.

heat said...

What's the euro dude story?

Erica Onelove said...

I was standing there with Ethan. This guy with sweet hair & a pretty nice face came up to me. He had a really thick euro accent...not sure where though.

He introduced himself as Patrick (sounded like potreek) & he started babbling. I had no idea what he was even talking about. I was trying to be nice & I'm like,"I'm just hanging out with my son" & he kept shaking Ethan's hand. He didn't get the hint so finally my smile was totally gone & I said, "Ok-I TRYING to hang out with my son". He got it & went away probably thinking i was a bi***.

You should've seen Ethan's face though! It was classic. It read, "Get the hell out of here."
He didn't like a dude talking to me.

angerine said...

what's the compliment/slam story?

Erica Onelove said...

Can you tell I'm glued to the computer today? It's really windy outside...don't want to go out.

I told Nate that he can sing & that he's gotten better through the years. He got way offended & said, "I was good when we were the Trigger Locks too."

Then, I tried explaining myself & long story didn't work.

heat said...

Ethan's sweet.
I once told Nate I liked a certain Trigger Locks song and he said "Well, that's rad, Matt wrote that one"
Nate's a total rock star.

heat said...

They play again Feb 9th at the electric theatre.