Thursday, April 24, 2008

Man, I REALLY got gypped in the talent department!

I saw this today and thought it was so unbelievable and amazing, I had to share it.

"You’ve heard the phrase an elephant never forgets? Well, here’s another example of the intelligence of these gentle giants. The elephant in this video, who was rescued from abusive treatment in Burma, actually paints a beautiful self-portrait!

Elephants are one of the most intelligent animals in the world. They have highly developed brains, with traits similar to humans, apes and dolphins.

In fact, even though this elephant may have been trained to paint pictures, elephants are known to display traits of self-awareness. For instance, if an elephant sees its image in a mirror, it may try to rub a smudge of dirt off its face. Elephants are also known to grieve, use tools, show a sense of humor, and also share in joyful events, such as gathering to greet a newborn."

So touched by their horrific backgrounds and loving personalities, now supports, "Starving Elephant Artisans" by selling their paintings so they can continue to have a new life in Thailand.


Mindi said...

is that for real??? or is this
like when they said snoop dog was gonna go mormon??

pretty cool if it's the real deal.

your blesbian blover,

Erica Onelove said...

I love elephants!

LoGunns said...

I wonder how much those paintings sale for? So cool!