Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baby Gender

i had my ultrasound on monday but i didn't find out the gender. they wrote it down on a paper and it is sealed in an envelope. i will open it when i am ready to accept having 3 girls. sometime closer to the due date. maybe mother's day. i'll let you know when i know.

this company will turn your ultrasound into an abstract oil painting on canvas.


Loose said...

Im not a fan of the art work. So did you look at the ultrasound when it was being done? I new right away that I was having a boy, there were the legs and something else in between them. My back is getting so fat. What do i do? Ive been exercising but it's still there.

heat said...

That's cool that you are patient enough to wait, katie. I don't think I could. Hope you have a boy, too.
Before I read your post I thought the picture was of a gorilla. I like it.

Sarah, That's so sweet about your sisters. How's andrea anyway? She's sweet.

k8theriver said...

its easy to not care about gender when you have 2 boys instead of 2 girls. i guess what i care about is having another moody, dramatic girl that screams a lot. i think they get those genes from their dad (i consider myself an even-tempered person). so i guess i can have a boy with those same traits. i just want an easy going kid.

angerine said...

Kate, not true. My sister had 3 boys in a row and knew that she was 'supposed' to have another child--but she dreaded having another boy so much that she just decided not to get prego until she was okay with the idea that it might possibly be a boy. Five years later she finally was okay with it--and had a girl (just last month).

heat said...

Sarah, I love Shalyse but having you as an relative would have been cool. Funny how I'm sort of related to Shayne and Brenton. Sort of.
Thanks for the update.

Kate, I'm in the nursery at church. I always thought attitude had nothing to do with gender until now... All the bullies are girls. All the screamers are girls. And, all the hateful words come out of the girls' mouths. But, they sure are cute.