Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Find Your Spot

Even though it's still years away, Tye and I have been talking a lot about "WHERE" we are eventually going to put down roots. We have several places in mind, but so far nothing feels exactly right. It feels like such a huge committment, knowing that once you set up a practice you're pretty much stuck there forever (and you know how gun-shy I am about committment). I know I've mentioned it before on this blog, but it's pretty much the topic that we think/talk about the most.

Here's what we know for sure about where we'll eventually live:

1. not in the midwest

That's about it.

We're planning on taking a couple weeks next spring and doing a fatty trip, and hitting all the places at the top of our list. We used this really cool has you take a survey of everything you want/don't want in a city and then it recommends 25 places you would love. You should check it out, it's kinda fun even if you're not thinking of moving--maybe it will give you an idea where to buy your first vacation home.

P.S. Chia, what I really want to know is--Is Josh totally rich now? How long has he been practicing and does he make buckets of money practicing in St. George? If so, that might be a huge "pro" that could outweigh a few of the "cons" of living in Georgetown.


heat said...

I took that test a few years ago. St. George was on my top 5. Small world.

We talk about this subject all the time. We'd like to end up close to family. Things change when you have kids. My first pick is Springdale.
What cities came up on your list?

angerine said...

st. george was my #1 and it was in Tye's top 5. Most of my cities are in Arizona, Washington, South Carolina, and Utah. A few in Colorado. I, too, love Springdale, also Kannaraville and Toquerville/Silver Reef. and if there was any way to make a living there, I'd move to Torrey, Utah in a hot minute.

k8theriver said...

heber, springville. a bunch in co and idaho, some in wyoming. even driggs angela.