Monday, March 26, 2007

boy names

Sarah emailed me last week and asked me to post this for her (she can only comment for some unknown reason). heeeeeeeeerrrreeee we go:

am i lame if i change isaac's name?
so, he's 4 1/2 months old and still doesn't look like isaac. . . i just call him little buddy and wish i had named him something else. would i be the worst mom and cause long-term trauma to my child if i changed his name??? but wouldn't it be lame for him to one day say, "this is what my grandma made for me when i was a baby, it's emroidered isaac, because my parents can't make a decision." input por favor.
ang- you think you're bad at comittment!

Sarah, IMO you should change it if you want. Do you have another name in mind? or are you just wishing it was something besides Isaac? What does Mike think? I assume you've already blessed him...Anyone know how that works--do you give him another name & a blessing for church records?
While we're at it, we can play the "Name Lacey's Baby" game--clearly it didn't work for Sarah (perhaps even a jinx?) but just think how much awesomer you'll be if YOU submit the winning name. You'll know if MY submission wins because you’ll see me running down the street, jumping and cheering. Then you'll see me hitting a home run, then planting a flag on a mountain top, then raising a trophy over my head at the big race. I'm amazing!


sra. pistola said...

I have thought about switching Lia to Hazel because she has Hazel eyes and I think she looks like a Hazel. But she also looks like a Lia. We will just name this next baby girl Hazel I guess and it just won't matter if she has Hazel eyes or not. As for Isaac... you could just start calling him somethign else and say it's his nick name. Then you don't have to change anything officialy and go through all that paper work and hassel.
Ang- I asked Matt about Josh's welath and he said he doesn't know how much he makes but he is buying an old big huge house in Santa Clara. And he seems to be loving life and stuff.
We both did the quiz on findyour St. George was my #1 too. Ogden was #3 and two of the places I lived in Colorado were also in the top 10. I had a lot in New Mexico too which is where I am from. It was fun sight to check out.

k8theriver said...

CHANGE IT! who cares what people think. they'll forget about it. you could just let all your neighbors keep calling him issac until you move then introduce the new name to the new neighbors. (moving anytime soon?) or just change it. my aunt wished she would have changed her daughter's name (taylor) up until she was about 5. then she figured it was too late. i would love to change chloe's name--i was never stoked on chloe because i knew it was popular--to clover. dan won't let me, even though he could still call her chloe. so if mike is onboard then go for it.
did you change lincolns middle name?

Loose said...

OK All so what are some great little boy names? I am struggeling! Eveyday I come home from work and search the internet hoping a name will jump out at me. I am getting nowhere, HELP!

angerine said...

Sarah, your could also just add Samuel on the the beginning of his name so he has two middle names instead of one--very latino thing to do but I figure--why not?
Lacey, lately I've been loving sortof "cowboy names" for boys: Wyatt, Gavin, Shane (although Chad might not go for that one...) I've liked the name Gavin for a while, but just recently a "big boy pull-ups" commercial came out and the little boys' name is Gavin and he looks/talks like a he has an extra chromosome. How about Jasper or Casper? by the way, what is your last name? (sorry) Also, I debated for ten minutes about whether or not your first name has an "e" in it???

k8theriver said...

i don't know lacey. its up to you. and chad. i like grandpa names like george and henry. i don't like average, normal, overly popular (boring) names. i like either the first, middle, or both to have some sort of meaning to you. and i like it to go well with the last name. but not too well. ari farr might have been a little too much. claire lariviere. i like cowboy names too. billy wayne (wayne is dan's dad's name). i'm pretty sure you'll hate every name i like so just figure it out yourself. j/k

heat said...

Sarah, sounds like you already know how to change names since you did it with Lincoln's middle name. Just change it. Follow with tradition. I don't think it's lame.

Lacey, give us one name you kinda like. I really have no real idea what type of names you're into. You should check that site Katie posted about. It was or something. Katie, do you remember? It showed the popularity of names.

k8theriver said...