Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Indian Food

Love the tips girls. Ang you said to grind up the Cardamoms, what about using Cardamom powder? My recipe calls for both and I was wondering if I could just use more cardamom powder in leu of the seeds. And Heat please send me your Tikki recipe I would like to compare it to the one I found on line. I basically found the one that took a lot of spices with quit a bit of prep work and figured It was probably a good one. Im pretty clueless! Thanks All!


heat said...

Hey loose- I thought I had the chicken tikka masala recipe on my computer but I can't find it. It's by Julie Sahni from the book "Classic Indian Cooking". You can borrow any of our cookbooks when we return. Here's a good starter recipe that doesn't take forever if you are interested-

angerine said...

I've never used the powder, just the seeds and the pods which you have to fish out before eating. I want to be in on the exchange of the billion indian recipes when that goes down--and on the Indian food party! (I wish).
Lacey, what ward are you in? My brother and his wife just moved to St. George last weekend and I wondered if they might be in your ward (they are kinda behind Stone Cliffs). I can't remember where you said your house is but I was thinking it was kinda in that area...?

Erica Onelove said...

That's where Ashie lives. Are you in her ward?

Anonymous said...

lacey, in the card i sent you i wrote that we would cook thai for you if you cooked indian. if it is a surprise then don't let chad read our card.
adan is cute. we have a bunch of those organic cotton shirts from walmart (is that like an oxymoron?). and i love that chair. but there have been lots of reports lately of kids getting injured from falling off counters. tsk tsk.

angerine said...

ya, Josh told me he is in the ward with Coby & Ashlynn and Leon Reber and some others...is that your ward, Lace?

Loose said...

Yup that's my ward, It's great. Lots of young couples. Is he in Serenity Hills? I'll have to see if I can figure out who Josh is.

Loose said...

Oh yeah, the bumbo seat has been recalled I know, I just figure be responsible in it's use and no one gets hurt. :) My siblings love them!!

angerine said...

Yes, they live in Serenity Hills, they just moved there from Vegas. Josh and Lauren are both about 6'2" and blonde, you can't miss them. Lauren is a total sweetheart, you will LOVE her. My Aunt Sandra (Peterson) is also in that ward and she is awesome too (she lives in Stone Cliff).

LoGunns said...

Matt and I love Indian food too. Some of you probably know that Indian restraunt that was in the gas station here in Logan. They move to a new and improved place on Main street now. More expensive and no take out buffet anymore:( I found a really easy way to make really good Indian food at home. It's called India Kitchens. These packets of paste are by the rice in Albertsons. All I have to do is add butter, chicken, and water and yumi deliciousness is served. (no perservatives and truly made in India. $2.39)

angerine said...

Danika I've tried those too and they are good-i like the butter chicken curry paste.
Trader Joes has great "instant Indian" stuff if you're lucky enough to live near one, which I am.